Parties 2 Inspire - Why do we care and want to make a difference?
Homeless Shelter Parties We all have experienced various degrees of difficulties, problems, and hardship which allows some of us the opportunity to be resilient and others to fall in a downward spiral. It may be the loss of a love one gone way too soon, loss of a job, health issues, escape from domestic violence, drug addictions, or our children’s suffering. The reasons vary but I know by faith, support, and hope if we extend our hearts we can help shine that light in someone else’s life. Parties 2 Inspire provides that hope and fun in the middle of the storm for children, families, and people in need. Senior Community Parties It is important we give back to our senior community by giving the most important gift. We must give our time. We show our support by encouraging our seniors through parties and games. We brighten their days by extending our hearts. Education (STEM and Book Club Parties) In Kids Count Data, it stated that 15% of the children in VA in 2012 lived in poverty. (family of four total annual income less than $23K) How can we help develop kids that will prosper through their challenges or difficult home environment? How can we ignite a passion for learning, reading, science, or the arts? We believe exposure, opportunity, and fun will help grow the minds of our future. We believe we can make a difference through our Parties: Book Club Parties, Jr. FLL Expo, Homeless Shelter Parties, Robotics Parties, and so much more. We offer you the opportunity to make a difference one "Party 2 Inspire" at a time.